When: Friday, March 16, 7:30pm – 8:30pm
Where: Hemlock Crossing
Join members of the Shoreline Amateur Astronomical Association!
French astronomer Charles Messier was an avid comet hunter. He was frustrated by objects which resembled them but were not comets. He therefore compiled a list of these objects so that he would not keep confusing them during his comet searches. We will talk about what they are and, weather permitting, look at some of the brighter ones through telescopes. The Moon will be 3 days past first quarter.
There will be a viewing session after. (weather permitting)
For the outdoor viewing, telescopes will be provided, or you may bring your own.
Bring a lawn chair and binoculars (if you have them). There are no fees and advanced registration is not required. The program and viewing are for adults and older children. The Nature Education Center is located at Hemlock Crossing in Port Sheldon Township. From US 31, travel west on Croswell St. to West Olive Rd. Travel south on West Olive Rd. to the park entrance. The center is at the end of the park drive. Call 616-786-4847 if you need more information.